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Celebrating the late Dr Hazel Wardha 

[20.01.44 - 09.12.18]

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Healthcare, lecturing, teaching, promotion of energy healing and personal development + a sensational mother to all.


Bringing people to the light and having the ability to be self empowered within themselves.


Making everyone feel uplifted and transformation at many levels with her presence.


Making people aware that there is more to just ordinary existence, and a better way through healing, love and prana energy.


Prayer Of St Francis:

Lord make me an instrument of your peace

Where there is hatred let me sow love

Where there is injury, pardon

Where there is doubt, faith

Where there is despair, hope

Where there is darkness, light

And where there is sadness, joy.

O divine master grant that I may

not so much seek to be consoled as to console

to be understood as to understand

To be loved as to love

For it is in giving that we receive

It is in pardoning that we are pardoned

And it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.


The prayer of St Francis entirely sums up the vision, purpose, work, and achievements of Dr Hazel Wardha during her time with us, and how she led her life.

A simple gathering by all students, family and friends of Dr Hazel will be held every year at:

LOCATION: Burnley Gardens

ADDRESS: 500 Yarra Blvd. Burnley. Melbourne.

DATE & TIME: To Be Confirmed

Its very relaxed and an informal non ceremonious gathering, to pay respects and also catch up with each other. All are welcome to also impromptu share their thoughts, experiences and stories with Dr Hazel.

ANNUAL commemorative informal gathering

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What Does Energy Healing & Meditation Involve?

Healing with positive energy allows one to improve their environment, health, wellbeing, finances and personal circumstances.

Through meditation, prana energy and regular practice you are able to develop more on a personal and social level to achieve your potential.

Healing healing and working with Prana energy used in a positive manner you will achieve abundance, divine protection, an increased level of awareness, and heightened ability to cope and excel in all walks of life.


In 2002 Hazel Ji appeared on the SBS program: "Pathways". She explains in a very simple but effective way, the problems many face and how these can be solved with energy healing. Hazel Ji developed a view towards a concept she developed called "Wholistic Wealth", adn through this she was able to help and transform 1000's of people.




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About Dr Hazel

[20.01.1944 - 09.12.2018]

Dr Hazel Wardha, also known fondly as: Dr Hazel, Hazel Ji & Mamaji by all her devout students, patients and followers was born in India and migrated to Australia in 1983 with her husband Eddie and two sons Ashish and Amaresh.


She started her professional career as a lecturer at Delhi University and completed her Ph.D in 1982. Hazel Ji always had a passion for helping people and in 1981 completed her training Homeopathy.


She began practice with Homeopathy on the side while still lecturing at Delhi University, and when the family moved to Australia she pursued her passion fully and by 1985 had developed a thriving practice in Melbourne. She continued to grow and build her practice, and treating very difficult cases, many of which were last resort scenarios, where conventional Western Medicine had given up hope.


In 1985 Hazel Ji Also carried out training in Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine, at the Australian Acupuncture College, graduating at the top of her class. 

By 1988 she as well re-known in her field with patients coming from country and interstate locations as well. She combined Homeopathy, with Acupuncture and the Vega Test method which is a systematic method of diagnosis.


She developed her own system, whereby extremely tough and chronic cases would see positive results after the first session and be well on the way to recovery by the third session for most.

Life was good, and her clinic ran for 6 days a week from 8AM to 9PM, with treatments for patients. Weekends were spent with the family, extended family and good friends.

November 1996, marked the significant turn, through which great changes would result. Hazel Ji tragically lost her older son Ashish very suddenly in a swimming accident in North Queensland. The news was riveting and a major shock. Ashish had just been one year into his Chiropractic practice, and was an extremely gifted healer.


This incident was the start of phenomenal change that went on to positively impact the lives of literally thousands all around the world, through the work that spawned from this tragic incident.

Hazel Ji could not get over the loss. She had helped so many people through her work, and also through conventional belief systems she was raised with, believed that life was kept good simply by just going to church, praying, working diligently, ethically and looking after ones family. 

Despite carrying on with her work at her clinic and putting on a brave face and front for all, Hazel Ji began suffering from an immense depression. Nothing could help with the pain of the loss, and no prayers, or belief system could provide a remedy for her broken heart. She had, had an extremely close bond with Ashish, and nothing could repair this significant loss.

In January 1998 while spending time in India, trying to recuperate with close friends and family, and still trying to get over the death of Ashish, Hazel Ji was introduced to the works of Grand master Choa, in India. The energy healing concepts, as well as receiving personal healing sessions had a profound impact on her immediately, and she set about with a strong mind, will power and passion, to bring the work of Grand Master Choa to Melbourne. She simply wanted to help others more.

She established the "Ashish Institute For Inner Studies" in memory of her older son, and in May 1998 organised the first healing course in Melbourne, at which 168 people attended to learn, about healing systems, transformation with energy, the chakra system, divine invocation and meditation.

From here on, Hazel Ji relentlessly pursued the work and promotion of healing and energy work for positive benefits. The work became extremely popular and some 200 people would attend courses and workshops at a time. A whole new community of "light-workers" was established.

Little did Hazel Ji know at this time, that her efforts would go on to change and positively impact thousands of people in Victoria, Australia and the rest of the world.

Hazel Ji was able to attract so many people to the work, because she only practiced with pure love and a spirit of giving. In todays western cultural setting, many become isolated and distant, even from their own families and loved ones. There is somewhat an absence when it comes to true spirituality in the lives of many. Hazel Ji found a way to reach out and touch people.

She was called to teach and give seminars at conferences all over the world, in India, Japan, Europe, presenting at large gatherings.

She published her book: "Homoeopathy Do It Yourself", which was a treatise into her system of Homoeopathy that she has devised herself, however simplified into a format that the average person could utilise for themselves and their loved ones, to alleviate illness and suffering. Hazel Ji just gave and gave and gave. There was no end to her giving and wanting to help people.

The community she created with her network experienced great growth, happiness and joy. Many young folk found an excellent role model and teacher in Hazel Ji, who was able to benefit their lives not just economically, but also spiritually.

Hazelji personally taught over 8000 individuals in Victoria, England, Japan, India, Malaysia, New Zealand and Fiji.

Around 2012 Hazelji began developing her own systems of healing and personal development with her own "Cosmic Abundance" system, which involved courses and specific systems and techniques she had researched and devised.

Hazel Ji worked tirelessly over the years, helping many. This rigorous schedule took its toll.


In 2016, after major heart Surgery, which also resulted in multiple strokes leaving her paralysed  she decided to retire to Queensland, and despite being restricted still carried on her research, writing about Cosmic Abundance.


Hazel Ji leaves behind a legacy where she helped and transformed the lives of many. Most people will only touch one or a few people in the course of their lives, with something positive and transformational, if at all. Hazel Ji literally touched thousands with her spirit, energy and radiant presence that you could feel straight away.


She found her passion in helping others. She knew that there were sacrifices, and she chose the path travelled by few, through the course of her life, in a manner that was totally dedicated to helping the lives of others, alleviating their suffering, and giving them love and making them feel special.

Now that Hazel Ji is no longer with us, its up to each one that drew any strength, learning, support and guidance from her to carry on her work in a positive, non aligned and consistent manner to honour her life's work and all that she gave up. This makes everything worthwhile and meaningful. Even 2-3 hours a month spent, can make a large difference.

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please sign a few words sharing your thoughts, experiences and journey with Dr Hazel Wardha. Your input and words will be greatly appreciated.




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